Saturday, September 3, 2016

Raging Bacteria

Most people tend to want to kill all the bacteria in their homes. This however is not as good to do as it seems.

There are several reasons to avoid grabbing those antibacterial soaps and body washes when hitting the stores. The biggest in my opinion is they don't kill everything. They say so right on the bottle. Kills 99% of bacteria.

What about the other 1%?

Most people know that bacteria dont reproduce the same way animals do. They only need one single cell to make millions more. And what do you think is going to happen if that 1% that is resistant to antibacterial agents now has all the room to grow because you killed off the competition?

Now you end up with bacteria everywhere that are resistant. FDA has instated a ban to severely limit the number of these types of soaps you can find on the market. 

Not to mention the fact that it doesn't work on viruses which are the causes of most common sicknesses like the cold and flu.

According to the FDA not only can using these soaps cause problems with the bacteria at home but they can also have effects on how the bacteria in your body are eliminated with prescription antibiotics and the chemicals used in these soaps may cause hormonal issues but this is still being researched.

If your worried about bacteria and viruses in your home I would suggest getting everyone in the home, especially the kids, washing their hands more often (with regular hand soap, I use Aloe Vera) and be sure to include door knobs and facet handles in your regular cleaning schedule. If you want more information on how to avoid common cold issues check out this.

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