Friday, June 24, 2016

Animal Abusers Should be Punished

Everyone has seen the sad commercials asking audiences to help animals in need. The sad songs along with the images of cats and dogs who have been abused should make people question humanity. It is a sad thing that everyday animals of all kinds are put through torturous situations through which no human would come out of with complete sanity.
Animals of all kinds from companion animals like cats and dogs to farm animals and even wild animals are effected by humanity's  cruelty. Violence to animals is usually a companion to violence to other people and especially on children yet violators are often ignored by authorities. Even those people who are persecuted are often given minimum fines and only misdemeanor charges.
This is unacceptable! People don't need to be animal lovers or tree huggers for the images included in this blog to be upsetting. People who don't believe that shooting a cat with an arrow or beating a dog with a spiked object is something to worry about should not be part of our society. Getting in a car accident while intoxicated usually results in a felony and the loss of ability to vote while these people get small fines and are still able to help the country choose its next president. 
Creatures big and small deserve our respect and should be be appreciated. Animals give humans love and companionship, entertainment, knowledge, and cruelty should be given more prevalence in  today's society. Laws should be changed. Under current laws animals are considered property instead of being classified under there own category which should be neither human or property. Violent crimes such as murder or assault don't apply to animals because of this. 
Violence...any violence should be considered dangerous in our society.No matter what your views about having animals is, any sane person can see the danger to both animals and humans in any type of violence. It must be stopped and only we can make it happen.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Review of the Fallout Series of Games by Bethesda

RPG games have come a long way. When speaking of post apocalyptic titles the Fallout series excels above all others. This series takes place in a world trying to survive and recover from humanities past nuclear war which left the world ridden with all levels of radiation which has left its effect on everything from water to the creatures found around the world.

They take an interesting view on throwing these large level worlds into the presents of the different dwellers. There are mutants both friendly and will shoot on site, some so large they tower over the character. There are mutant rats and crabs lurking everywhere along with many other creatures.

The people of these world can't remember a time without radiation poisoning being a common ailment. They use Nuka-Cola Caps as currency, Worship a live nuclear bomb, Built cities over a wide variety of terrains, and cling to life with guns, meds and each other.

With a go where you want when you want type of game-play there is a different story for each play-through and each individual gamer.
The newest arrival in the series is the 4th and several new interactions have been implemented. You are now able to literally build the cities yourself and assign the community with in it different tasks. Not to mention a brand new vault and weapon/armor mods.

For Great Deals Click Below
Click Me For XBOX ONE Fallout 4
Click Me For Playstation 4 Fallout 4
Click Me For XBOX 360 Fallout 3
Click Me For Playstation 3 Fallout 3

Love Hate Relationship with the Restaurant Business

The easiest jobs to get now-a-days are in the Food Service industry. Whether the position is a serving job or one as a cashier at a fast food drive thru the jobs come easily and put a bit of money in your pocket.

Can they allow enough money to support a growing family however is another story. As a server you have the potential to make a great deal of money each shift in tips while still earning an hourly wage (in most states) but getting enough shifts to add up to all the bills being paid can be tricky. In the fast food branch of things receiving only minimum wage is almost guaranteed.

Some good things about being a server though are the ability to make a good deal of money without having to work full time hours. It does take a toll on you though, since it is a very highly demanding position to hold both physically and mentally. This position also allows you to have cash in your hand everyday instead of waiting till payday. This does mean though that to have a chunk of cash, for instance to pay rent, you would have to save for several shifts and be sure not to spend money daily.

Some negative things about this position is that there are no benefits such as 401 k and vacation pay. These are a must for many people when they are job searching. These positions should be used as a stepping stone into bigger and better things and shouldn't be considered a permanent way of life.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Zoos gain or pain

Zoos provide crucial breeding in safe controlled environments for numerous endangered species. Specialists have the opportunity to work with these endangered species such as Grevys zebras and big cats to compile facts about them and document behaviors. Most zoos throw millions into the exhibits to be sure the animals are comfortable and happy so far from their natural habitats.
I agree with people that animals belong in the wild and not in cages as there natural state of equilibrium. However, humans have expanded our borders to a point that many of these caged animals would no longer be a part of the nature I wish they could be living in. It is not the population of animals that requires regulating. It is the population of us.
Zoos are doing the best that they can under the circumstances that we as a species have provided to these creatures. They bring tourists and revenue in by showing off their big animals and in turn they are able to boost some populations and document things about our natural world.
I recently visited the Los Angeles County zoo and loved the experience. Most of the exhibits were beautiful and were focused on the animals themselves being comfortable. When I came to the lion exhibit however I was somewhat disgusted at the miniscule size of ,these supposedly kings of the jungles, home. The space was small and lacked any real setting for the cats to enjoy at all.
There are plenty of open spaces around the zoo were these beasts could be given more comforts while all the required laws applicable were to be followed. The Lions are adjacent to the giraffes which could do with a bit more space as well. My suggestion is build these beautiful cats an exhibit as glorious as them somewhere in the park. Then move them over and simply give the giraffes a bit more space to roam.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Vaping the new craze

Cigarettes are a way of the past. They make you smell. They make you wake feeling like your constantly dying. Gives you cancer. Not to mention the stigma.

Vaping is new and hot thing right now. No one knows if it will have negative health effects yet.

"Would you rather me smoke something I know will kill me or something that may or may not do the same" said one vapor smoker.

Vaping doesn't make you stink if anything it makes you smell fruity which is something a lot of perfumes do too.

It is the new social activity which the younger generation is throwing themselves into. In my opinion (if it doesn't end up killing us all) it is better than drinking and turning into idiots all the time. Better than smoking cigarettes which make you feel and look horrible. And better than doing any real drugs which have countless negative impacts on not only the lives of those doing them but also the lives of their family and friends.

We shall all see how it goes!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

New Harry Potter Movie???

Ok well it is the middle of 2016 and JK Rowling does have a new movie coming out this year based in Harry Potters world......sorry guys He will not be making an appearance. This movie takes place well before Harry's time and it will have a great deal of action taking place in America.

This will be a mind blowing ordeal full of magic and creatures who will hopefully hold us over until the next book comes out about this amazing world which Rowling made so many of us not only fall in love with but also wish we could be a part of....(hint hint JK)

The movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them will be out this Nov and I will surely be at its midnight release.....WONT YOU?

View the trailer here: Fantastic Beasts

Get the newest hot story by JK Rowling here: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and save 40% for a limited time

Looking for the perfect gift for Dad or Grandpa?

1. Amazon Echo: Fastest seller out there for the music lover. Emits a 360 degree full quality sound from all of Dads favorite music streamers at the sound of his voice. Pamper Dad and dance all night with this amazing DEAL HERE <-Click Me
2. Fire Tablet: One of the hottest tablets out. It will give Dad a new gadget no matter what his interests are from gaming to business this smart full color tablet is a steal at under $50. DEAL HERE <Click Me
3. TP - LINK ARCHER: Dad always complains about that slow Wi-Fi. Well quit the whining with this blazing fast wireless router. A present for Dad which will do the whole family good by killing the lag and creating a family time free buffering. DEAL HERE <- Click Me

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The best review of Amazon Fire TV Stick

With all of the instant streaming devices out there right now there is one which is pulling ahead of the crowd. The Amazon Fire TV Stick is the biggest thing in the field right meow. Every electronic has its pros and cons and here are some of the fire sticks

*At less than 40 bucks it is one of the most reasonable products on the market
*It is about the size of a pack of gum so it does take up much space

*With 1080p and Dolby Digital Sound it will totally immerse you in a Supreme experience everytime
*Dual-core Processor
*Videocore 4 GPU
*8GB of Storage
*Dual Band Dual Antenna Wi-Fi Adapter
* The stick can be plugged straight into an HDMI or used with the extension for those harder to position places

*Small device means no space for an Ethernet connection
*While all video streaming preforms well the gaming on this small version can stutter a bit
*If gaming is what your looking for then another purchase of the gaming controller is almost a must
*Voice is harder unless you already have a ready device like the Fire phone or tablet

Not convinced yet compare the stick to other products here

Best Party Game Ever

No matter how old you get everyone loves to have fun and there are many ways to do that but one is surpassing all others recently. (At Least For Adults)

A fun and provocative way to get to know new friends or laugh with old. This simple to play but VERY interesting new game can be played in several different ways to spice up any party or get together.

There are now many different variations out which can be purchased for different get togethers.

WTF Did You Say?!?

A popular alternative to Cards against humanity, this game is definitely not politically correct but it will leave the whole party with sore diaphragms from laughing so hard.

 Disturbed Friends

This is the self proclaimed game which should be banned. This is another game with explicit content which will make your party memorable. Try all these games to make each of your get togethers unique.

My Review of the New Zootopia Movie

Disney is always able to dazzle and delight. The new Zootopia is no different. The relateable animal cast is sure to delight Mom Dad and kids alike. The perfect Fathers Day moment will come with the purchase of this wonderfully enchanting story about a go lucky bunny trying to prove himself in this diverse world.Join dad on the couch this year with laughs and hugs with Zootopia. <-Click Me
Zootopia (BD/DVD/Digital HD) [Blu-ray]