Friday, June 24, 2016

Animal Abusers Should be Punished

Everyone has seen the sad commercials asking audiences to help animals in need. The sad songs along with the images of cats and dogs who have been abused should make people question humanity. It is a sad thing that everyday animals of all kinds are put through torturous situations through which no human would come out of with complete sanity.
Animals of all kinds from companion animals like cats and dogs to farm animals and even wild animals are effected by humanity's  cruelty. Violence to animals is usually a companion to violence to other people and especially on children yet violators are often ignored by authorities. Even those people who are persecuted are often given minimum fines and only misdemeanor charges.
This is unacceptable! People don't need to be animal lovers or tree huggers for the images included in this blog to be upsetting. People who don't believe that shooting a cat with an arrow or beating a dog with a spiked object is something to worry about should not be part of our society. Getting in a car accident while intoxicated usually results in a felony and the loss of ability to vote while these people get small fines and are still able to help the country choose its next president. 
Creatures big and small deserve our respect and should be be appreciated. Animals give humans love and companionship, entertainment, knowledge, and cruelty should be given more prevalence in  today's society. Laws should be changed. Under current laws animals are considered property instead of being classified under there own category which should be neither human or property. Violent crimes such as murder or assault don't apply to animals because of this. 
Violence...any violence should be considered dangerous in our society.No matter what your views about having animals is, any sane person can see the danger to both animals and humans in any type of violence. It must be stopped and only we can make it happen.

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