Saturday, June 4, 2016

Vaping the new craze

Cigarettes are a way of the past. They make you smell. They make you wake feeling like your constantly dying. Gives you cancer. Not to mention the stigma.

Vaping is new and hot thing right now. No one knows if it will have negative health effects yet.

"Would you rather me smoke something I know will kill me or something that may or may not do the same" said one vapor smoker.

Vaping doesn't make you stink if anything it makes you smell fruity which is something a lot of perfumes do too.

It is the new social activity which the younger generation is throwing themselves into. In my opinion (if it doesn't end up killing us all) it is better than drinking and turning into idiots all the time. Better than smoking cigarettes which make you feel and look horrible. And better than doing any real drugs which have countless negative impacts on not only the lives of those doing them but also the lives of their family and friends.

We shall all see how it goes!

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